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Sunday: Lord, Almighty God, I implore you by the Precious Blood that your Son Jesus poured into the Garden of Olives, deliver the souls in Purgatory and, in particular, the most forsaken of all ; introduce them into your glory to praise and bless you in eternity. So be it.

A Pater Noster, an Ave Maria, then:

V /. Give them, Lord, the eternal rest.
R /. And that endless light shines on them.
V /. May they rest in peace.
R /. Amen.

Monday: Lord, Almighty God, I conjure you by the Precious Blood that your Son Jesus poured into his cruel flagellation, deliver the souls in Purgatory and, in particular, the one that is closest to entering into your glory so that it will soon begin to praise you and bless you in eternity. So be it.

A Pater Noster, an Ave Maria, then:

V /. Give them, Lord, the eternal rest.
R /. And that endless light shines on them.
V /. May they rest in peace.
R /. Amen.

Tuesday: Lord, Almighty God, I conjure you with the Precious Blood that your Son Jesus poured into the coronation of thorns, deliver the souls in Purgatory and, in particular, the one that should, last, come out of these sufferings, that it may not wait so long to praise you and bless you in your glory for eternity. So be it.

A Pater Noster, an Ave Maria, then:

V /. Give them, Lord, the eternal rest.
R /. And that endless light shines on them.
V /. May they rest in peace.
R /. Amen.

Wednesday: Lord, Almighty God, I implore you by the Precious Blood that your Son Jesus poured by carrying the cross in the streets of Jerusalem, deliver the souls in Purgatory and, in particular, the one that is before you, the richest in merits, so that raised high in the glory that it expects, it praises you and blesses you in eternity. So be it.

A Pater Noster, an Ave Maria, then:

V /. Give them, Lord, the eternal rest.
R /. And that endless light shines on them.
V /. May they rest in peace.
R /. Amen.

Thursday: Lord, Almighty God, I conjure you by the Flesh and the Blood of your divine Son Jesus, whom he himself, on the eve of his painful Passion, gave in food and drink to his Apostles, and that he has left to his whole Church as a perpetual sacrifice and the nourishing food of his faithful, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and especially the one who has the most devotion to this mystery, so that with your Divine Son and the Holy Spirit it praises you eternally in your glory. So be it.

A Pater Noster, an Ave Maria, then:

V /. Give them, Lord, the eternal rest.
R /. And that endless light shines on them.
V /. May they rest in peace.
R /. Amen.

Friday: Lord, Almighty God, I conjure you by the Precious Blood that your divine Son Jesus has, on this day, on the tree of the cross, poured out of his hands and feet, deliver the souls in Purgatory and, in particular, the one for which I am required to pray more, so that it is not my fault that it does not immediately enter into your glory to praise and bless you eternally. So be it.

A Pater Noster, an Ave Maria, then:

V /. Give them, Lord, the eternal rest.
R /. And that endless light shines on them.
V /. May they rest in peace.
R /. Amen.

Saturday: Lord, Almighty God, I implore you by the Precious Blood that, under the eyes and to the great sorrow of his Mother, your divine Son Jesus poured out of his Heart, deliver the souls in Purgatory and, especially the one who had the most devotion to Our Lady, so that she will soon begin, in your glory, to praise and bless you in her for eternity. So be it.

A Pater Noster, an Ave Maria, then:

V /. Give them, Lord, the eternal rest.
R /. And that endless light shines on them.
V /. May they rest in peace.
R /. Amen.